Art Nouveau Magazin
Szecessziós térkép
Szecessziós térkép


Photos by Titusz Puha, Imre Bálint, etc.
Programming and editing: Art Nouveau Magazine

Photos by Titusz Puha, Imre Bálint
Programming and editing: Art Nouveau Magazine

Photos and organizer: Bagyinszki Zoltán
Building's data: Fodor György
Programming and editing: Art Nouveau Magazine

Budapest's most beautiful Art Nouveau buildings
Partage Plus - Museum of Applied Arts
Programmig by: Szecessziós Magazin

Data and pictures collected by H. Molnár Katalin (art-info specialist) from Takáts Gyula Megyei és Város Könyvtár.
Programming and editing: Art Nouveau Magazine

CIVERTAN - Graphic design studio The Civertan Studio (mangager László János) present here, some Art Nouveau buildings from Budapest. Approx. 300 000 photos can prove that they like to present Hungary from a bird's eye view. May be, because everything is different from above. (CLICK the picture)


"There is no excuse for doing anything which is not strikingly beautiful."

William Morris

Your magazine

The secession (Art Nouveau), having been revalued in the XXI century, due to the new importance of decorations, ornaments and pendants. Many readers sent us images and articles regarding secession from Marosvasarhely, Pozsony, Kaposvar, Budapest, Szabadka and so on. If you`d like to send us images or essays, we will be happy to post them, as this is really your magazine too.

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